Accessibility and Accessible Customer Service Policy

Axis Vero Incorporated

Accessibility and Accessible Customer Service Policy (AODA and IASR Compliance)


Axis Vero Incorporated (hereafter referred to as Axis Vero) subscribes to the Principles set out in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulations enacted under AODA.


General Accessibility:
Axis Vero strives to provide a barrier-free environment for our customers and to provide goods and services to people with disabilities in a manner that respects their dignity and independence, ensuring they receive the same high standard of excellence that we endeavour to provide all of our customers and potential customers.


Core Principles:

We endeavour to ensure that all of our Accessible Customer Service Policy and related practices and procedures are consistent with the following four (4) core principles: 

  • Dignity – Customers with a disability must be treated as valued customers equally deserving of service as any other customer.
  • Equality of Opportunity – Customers with a disability should be given an opportunity equal to that given to others to obtain, use and benefit from our services.
  • Integration – Wherever possible, customers with a disability should benefit from our goods and services in the same place and in the same or similar manner as any other customer.  In circumstances where integration does not serve the needs of the customer with a disability, services will, to the extent possible, be provided in another way that takes into account the customer’s individual needs.
  • Independence – Services must be provided in a way that respects the independence of customers with a disability.  To this end, we will always be willing to assist a customer with a disability but will not do so without the customer’s express permission.


Accessibility Options:

Wherever possible, Axis Vero will offer the customer options for communication such as: in writing, via telephone, email, in-person meetings or remotely via Zoom or another remote video chat method. We recognize that customers are people who do not do everything the same way. To that end, we will make every reasonable effort to accommodate our customers and potential customers. As such, we may ask you, but in any event, you are encouraged to tell us of any special accommodations you may require from us for a meeting, communicating or generally doing business together.


Assistive Devices:

In the rare event that a customer attends one of our offices (ALL ATTENDANCE IS STRICTLY BY PRE_APPROVED APPOINTMENT ONLY), our customers are permitted, wherever possible, to use their own Assistive Devices when on our premises for the purposes of conducting business transactions, etc. If a physical, technological or another barrier prevents using an Assistive Device on our premises, we will first try to remove that barrier. However, if we cannot reasonably remove the barrier, we will ask the customer how they can be accommodated and what alternative methods of service would be more accessible to them. We will make reasonable efforts to provide an alternative means of assistance to any customer with a disability.


Service Animals:

Similarly, customers with a disability who attend our premises may be accompanied by a Service Animal and keep the Service Animal with them on the premises so long as the general public or other third parties do not have access to such premises and the Service Animal is not otherwise excluded by law. If a Service Animal must be excluded, we will explain to our customer why this is the case and explore alternative ways to meet the customer’s needs. It is the responsibility of the customer using the Service Animal to ensure that the Service Animal is always in their express control. Failure to control a Service Animal may lead to you being asked to leave for safety reasons or liability (financial or otherwise) for damages or injuries incurred.


Support Persons:

Customers with a disability may be accompanied by a Support Person and have access to the Support Person on our Organization’s premises. Our Organization may require a customer with a disability to be accompanied by a Support Person where it is necessary to protect the health or safety of the customer with a disability or the health or safety of others on the premises, and there is no other reasonable way to do so.





Therefore, our offices should not be attended or accessed without a prior approved appointment. This could be considered a disruption to some individuals. The duration of this disruption is Permanent or until further notice advising otherwise is posted on our website. We offer multiple alternative methods for meeting or arranging contact with us, including: 


          • Email to or
          • Using our Contact Us at the bottom of most of our website pages or by clicking the Contact Us on this line
          • By Toll-Free Phone Call In Canada or The United States of America At 1 (866) 297-8376 or 1 (866) AXS-VERO
          • By Fax To 1 (866) 297-8376 or 1 (866) AXS-VERO or1 (647) 725-1805
          • Or Via Any Of Our Social Media Profiles


Employee Training:

Although Accessibility Training is not mandatory in all provinces, all our employees are trained according to the IASR requirements in Ontario and the Ontario Human Rights Commission, regardless of where they are posted in the country. A copy of these training records is maintained at Axis Vero’s Head Office.


Feedback Procedure:

Your comments and feedback are appreciated, and we want to know that we’ve met or exceeded our customer’s expectations. For that reason, we encourage you to Contact Us by clicking the Contact Us on this line or sending us an email to or Upon receiving your comments, questions, etc., we will review them, respond as relevant, and generally acknowledge receipt of your submission within twenty (20) days. (Usually, much faster than that!) Our response will be in your preferred and specified manner wherever reasonably practicable. Your comments and submissions (minus any identifying information) may be used in our promotions, social media or other advertising without remuneration to you. (We’re allowed to brag! or show how we’re improving!)

Accessible Formats:
Axis Vero is open and willing to accommodate our customers in numerous ways, including our documentation and correspondence formats. Generally speaking, our default is to respond to inquiries using the same or similar platform we received contact from or by email (where a return email is known). Where a physical report is required, our default is to provide reporting by secure .pdf, or where a Draft is developed, the default may be a secure .pdf or a .doc or .xml document. By default, our documentation and correspondence are provided in English.

When a customer requires information to be translated into a foreign language, the respective charges are in addition to the normally scheduled costs.

Similarly, when a customer requires information to be provided by a method not addressed above (into brail or spoken word audio, etc.), the respective costs to accommodate the customer will be applied at the relevant cost. This is not for any reason other than our Organization charges a very modest margin on work performed, and to keep our prices fair to all customers, each customer must be responsible for costs associated with tailoring the end product to their needs.

Accessibility to New Applicants:

Recruitment, Assessment or Selection Process

Our Organization posts job vacancies and new opportunities publicly. It is the responsibility of the interested party to formally inquire about the position posted and/or submit a suitable resume or other application for our review. All applicants are expected to meet the minimum posting requirements for each job posting; however, in some circumstances, our Organization may hire an underqualified applicant and train them accordingly at our discretion. Our Organization will only notify successful applicants when they are individually selected to participate further in an assessment or selection process and, at that time, will disclose specific accommodations available upon request regarding the materials or processes to be used. If a selected applicant requests accommodation, our Organization will consult with the applicant and provide, or arrange for, the provision of a suitable accommodation that considers the applicant’s accessibility needs due to disability. 

Notification of selection for further assessment does not constitute a job offer nor a commitment to hiring the candidate. A thorough vetting of each applicant is required before finalizing any applicant’s offer of employment. Derogatory information found during vetting or information obtained that suggests a risk to the employer or its customers may preclude any candidate from being hired.

Notice to Successful Applicants

When making offers of employment, our Organization will notify the successful applicant of its policies for accommodating employees with disabilities by including a statement in all offers of employment that our Organization has policies in place with respect to the accommodation of employees and by providing all employees with a copy of this Handbook, which includes our complete Accessibility Policy.

Informing Employees of Supports

Our Organization informs its employees of its policies (and any changes to those policies) used to support Employees with disabilities, including but not limited to policies on the which includes this Accessibility Policy, and through training on the AODA. We like to commence operations with new employees by ensuring that any necessary supports or accommodations are discussed and presented as soon as practicable following hiring.