Our most common client questions are answered right here in our FAQ section.
(FAQ results are sorted by category for your convenience.)
If you don’t see the answer that you’re looking for below, don’t worry you can still reach out to us using our Contact Us page or you can call us at 1-866-297-8376 (1-866-AXS-VERO) within North America to inquire about additional services.
- Surveillance
- Research
- Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM)
- Family Law
- Criminal Law
- Corporate Investigations
- Undercover
- Technology
- Employment Law
- Civil Investigations
- Training
This includes (but is not limited to): following and/or monitoring people, places, and vehicles throughout various conditions and in both overt (such as escorting in plain sight) or covert (without the target being aware of our presence) operations.
This includes (but is not limited to): backgrounds; financial or monetary; estranged persons; locates and skip tracing; address / employment / workplace/ etc. verification; social media; integrity verification / vetting; archive searches; heir location; and much, much more…
TSCM is the process of looking for electronic devices, transmissions or unauthorized monitoring (audio, video, data) in homes, businesses, vehicles and even worn on the body without the knowledge of the wearer.
This includes both general Family Law related investigative matters as well as Domestic investigations as a whole.
This includes all matters of criminal defence and the investigations that surround it.
This includes corporate investigations as well as general businesses, sole proprietorship, and any relevant investigative matter in those areas.
This includes undercover operations ranging from simple in house evaluations of staff performance to major international investigations relating to organized crime or terrorism.
This includes security systems, camera installations, equipment reviews, etc. Basically anything that is electronic and meant to monitor you or monitor others.
This includes harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, labour disputes, and a number of topics that would also fit into the Corporate, Surveillance, or TSCM headings.
This includes a variety of matters, such as Personal Injury, Missing Persons, General Locates, Sports / Athlete Tampering and more. Basically, anything that impacts one party or another from a civil responsibility / law perspective.
This includes all forms of training offered by Axis Vero Incorporated.